



A man goes to the doctor and complains about being tired all the time. The doctor asks him how much he sleeps, and the man says eight hours a night. The doctor asks him if he exercises, and the man says he doesn't have time. The doctor asks him what he does all day, and the man says he sits in front of the TV all day.

The doctor says, "Well, you need to get up and move around more."

The man says, "But I don't feel well when I do."

The doctor says, "Well, maybe you need to find something that you enjoy doing that will make you move around more."

The man thinks for a moment and then says, "I like to watch old movies on my computer."

The doctor smiles and says, "Great! Then you can watch movies while you work out on the stationary bike in your room."

A woman goes to the doctor with a sore throat and a cough. The doctor asks her if she has been smoking or drinking alcohol lately. She says no, but she has been feeling stressed lately. The doctor asks her what she does for stress relief, and she says she usually just sits on her computer and plays games.

The doctor says, "Great! Then you can play games while you work out on the stationary bike in your room."

Both of these stories show that people need to find ways to exercise and stay healthy, but they also need to find something that they enjoy doing while they are doing it. If you find something that you enjoy doing that will make you move around more, then you will be more likely to stick with it and stay healthy.