



Green is the source of life. 節能減排要從每個人做起。

Energy conservation and emissions reduction should start with everyone. 轉變傳統觀念,促進低碳經濟。

Pursue energy-saving fashion and embrace low-carbon life. 追求節能時尚,擁抱低碳生活。

It is everyone』s duty to save energy. 節約能源,人人有責。

A happy life lies not only in ample food and clothing, but also in clear water and blue sky. 幸福生活不只在於豐衣足食,也在於碧水藍天。

With the increase of pollution and development of industry, litter is everywhere. 隨著污染的增加和工業的發展,到處都是垃圾。

Waste can bring a lot of problems, although China is rich in some resources, we are short of others. 浪費會帶來很多問題,儘管中國在一些資源上很富有,但也缺乏一些其他的資源。

Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible. 每個人都應該儘快的停止浪費。

Little by little, everything will be changed. 逐漸的,一切都將被改變。

Waste can be stopped one day, if we do our best. 如果我們盡全力,總有一天浪費會被阻止。
