


故事標題: The Magic Mirror

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily. She lived in a small village with her mother and father. Lily loved to read fairy tales and imagined that she was a brave princess in a magical kingdom.

One day, while walking in the woods, she found a magic mirror in a crack in the ground. She touched it and it lit up with a bright light. The mirror showed her whatever she wished to see, and it could even predict the future.

Lily began to use the mirror regularly, and it became her best friend. She would ask it about her future, the health of her family, and even the weather. The mirror always answered her with complete accuracy, and it filled her with wonder.

One day, her father came to her and said, "Lily, I want to ask the mirror if we will have a happy future." Lily was surprised at her father's request, but she agreed. She held the mirror, and asked it the question. But to her surprise, the mirror did not answer. Instead, it showed her a picture of a dark future filled with pain and sorrow.

Lily was devastated by the vision, but she knew she had to face it. She decided to use the mirror to help others instead of herself. She shared its wisdom with her family and the village, and they all became stronger because of it.

In the end, Lily realized that the magic mirror was not a tool for selfishness, but rather a tool for growth and understanding. She learned that true happiness comes from helping others, not from seeking it for oneself.

This story teaches us that we should use our abilities to help others, rather than focusing solely on our own desires and happiness. When we do so, we create a world filled with love and understanding, which is truly magical.