


故事標題: The Adventures of the Little Engine That Could

Once upon a time, there was a little red train named "Little Engine". Little Engine was not like other engines. He had a big dream to travel through the mountains and help other trains.

One day, he found himself lost in the mountains and faced with a steep and rocky climb. Little Engine was afraid, but he knew he had to keep going. He thought of his friend, "If I can do it, you can do it!"

Little Engine began to climb, slowly but steadily. He overcame each obstacle and reached the top of the mountain. He was so proud of himself and his strength.

As he traveled through the mountains, Little Engine met many other trains who were also facing challenges. He helped them all by reminding them of their own strength and courage.

Little Engine's story teaches us that we all have the power to overcome obstacles and achieve our dreams. No matter how big or small our dreams may be, we can all make a difference in our own way.

So remember, "If I can do it, you can do it!" And always believe in yourself!
