



The animal is hunted for its fur. 狩獵這種動物是為了獲取其毛皮。

I have an allergy to animal hair. 我對動物毛過敏。

The animal retracted into its shell. 這隻動物縮回到自己的殼裡。

The dolphin is an intelligent animal. 海豚是聰明的動物。

He paced the room like a caged animal. 他像籠中的動物一樣在房間裡踱來踱去。

The kids were all wearing animal masks. 孩子們都戴著動物面具。

Some animal was scuffling in the bushes. 有隻動物在灌木叢中窸窸窣窣地穿行。

The animal had slipped free and escaped. 那頭動物掙脫逃跑了。

此外,"Animal"這個詞也被用於歌曲的標題,如Troye Sivan的《Animal》中的歌詞:"I am an animal with you 我甘願做你的困獸",表達了強烈的情感和犧牲精神。