

be going to造句

"Be going to" 是英語中表示未來計劃的常用結構,常用於表達某人打算在最近或將來要做的事情。以下是一些使用"be going to"結構的句子示例:

I am going to paddle the boat across Victoria Harbour。

It is raining, and we don't have an umbrella. We are going to get wet。

I am going to become successful。

I am going to play basketball。

The plane is going to take off at three o'clock in the afternoon。

I am going to buy some food。

We are going to watch movies。

She is going to visit her grandparents。

He is going to have a lesson。

They are going to water the flowers。

這些句子展示了"be going to"結構在不同情境下的套用,包括個人計劃、天氣預測、以及未來的安排等。