

fate zero亞歷山大名言

亞歷山大在《Fate Zero》中的名言有:

* "活著的意義……就是要見你的屍體。"(Live to see the death of your corpse.)——對迪盧木多科爾內。

* "英雄王,世上沒有你能馳騁的理想之地,每個地方都是戰場。"(Hero King, there is no ideal place for you to ride where you can fulfill your ideals. Everywhere is a battlefield.)

* "劍是死的,人是活的,劍術再高明也不能對沒有劍的牆壁進行攻擊。"(Sword is dead, man is alive, skilled swordsmanship cannot attack a wall without a sword.)

* "無論何時,何地,何種境遇,都能勇往直前,這才是真正的勇氣。"(It's called true courage to persevere no matter when, where, and in which circumstances.)


以上內容僅供參考,如需更多信息,可以參考《Fate Zero》原著。