

michael jordan語錄

Michael Jordan的語錄如下:

1. 我失敗了,但至少我戰鬥過。(I may have failed, but I had a good try.)

2. 我可以接受失敗,但無法接受放棄。(I can accept failure, but I cannot accept giving up.)

3. 決定你人生質量的,不是你選擇什麼樣的人,而是你與誰交朋友。(It’s not what you look at that matters, but who you look at.)

4. 機會是自己創造的,不能總想著去靠別人。 (Opportunities are created by yourself, you can't always think about relying on others.)

5. 我不尊重任何人,別跟我說你譜。我只尊重三種人:創新的人、準備成功的人、能帶動別人上進的人。(I don't respect anyone else, don't even talk to me about your ego. I respect only three kinds of people: innovators, those who are getting ready to succeed, and those who can push others to success.)

6. 我可以接受平凡,但不能容忍平庸。(I can accept being ordinary, but I cannot tolerate being average.)

7. 誰也不是佐敦,我只做我自己。(No one is Zordon, I only do me.)

這些語錄充分體現了Michael Jordan的自信和追求卓越的精神。