

selena gomez金句

Selena Gomez 的金句包括:

1. "You can't be what you can't see, so go out and create the life you want and make it visible."(你不能成為你見不到的人,所以走出去,創造你想要的生活,讓它變得可見。)

2. "Life is too short to be anything other than what you love."(生命太短,不能做自己不喜歡的事情。)

3. "I'm not perfect, I'm just trying to be a good person."(我不完美,我只是在努力做一個好人。)

4. "I'm not afraid to be me, I'm not afraid to be different."(我不害怕做自己,我不害怕與眾不同。)

5. "When life gets heavy, I remember my feet need to touch the ground."(當生活變得沉重時,我記住我的腳需要著地。)

6. "We're only here for a limited amount of time, so make sure you're doing what you love to do."(我們只有有限的時間在這裡,所以確保你在做你喜歡做的事情。)
