

use up造句

"Use up"這個短語在英語中通常表示消耗或使用完某物。以下是一些使用"use up"的例句:

He has used up all the papers in the printer. 翻譯:他用完了印表機里的所有紙張。

I might use up all my odd scraps of wool to make a scarf. 翻譯:我可能會用我所有的零碎羊毛來做一條圍巾。

He has used up the last ounce of oil. 翻譯:他用完了最後一盎司油。

A patchwork quilt is a good way of using up scraps of material. 翻譯:拼布被子是一種利用零碎材料的好方法。

By this time he had used up all his savings. 翻譯:到這時,他的存款已全部用完。

Our troops are being used up to the last man. 翻譯:我們的部隊已人盡其用。

When the soldiers had used up all their ammunition, they went on fighting with their swords. 翻譯:當戰士們彈藥用完時,他們繼續用刺刀作戰。

We have used up most of the cloth, and all we have left is a few bits and pieces. 翻譯:布大部分用完了,只剩下一些零頭。

On several days it rained and she used up car fare. 翻譯:接著一連下了幾天雨,嘉莉把車錢用完了。

Building highways and parking lots has used up much of our land. 翻譯:修公路和停車場占用了大量的土地。