



1. Friendship is like a river calm and steady. (友情如河流般穩定而平和。)

2. A true friend is for ever shouting in snow and rain. (真正的朋友,在雨中是會為你撐傘的人。)

3. Friends don't confide in you, they disclose everything. (朋友不是對你傾訴,而是和你分享。)

4. Friends are like stars; you won't see them, but you'll know they're there. (朋友就像星星,你看不到他們,但你知道他們在哪裡。)

5. True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is that it is so rarely, if ever, lost. (真正的友情就像健康的身體,它的價值在於它難得迷失。)

6. A friend is a second self. (朋友是第二個自我。)

7. A friend in need is a friend indeed. (患難見真情。)

8. Friendship is like money, it's easier made than kept. (友情就像金錢,掙錢比存錢容易得多。)

9. Friendship is like the rain and sunshine; it's there for you but not all the time. (友情就像雨和陽光,它會在那裡為你,但不是總是在那裡。)

10. Friendship is not about who you are, but who you can become. (友情不在於你是誰,而在於你能成為誰。)
