



* 孝子之養也,樂其心,不違其志。——《禮記》

To raise a filial son, one should please him by satisfying his desires while not violating his wishes.

* 孝在於質實,不在於飾貌。——《後漢書》

Filial piety is in the sincerity of the heart, not in the appearance of the external trappings.

* 誰言寸草心,報得三春暉。——《遊子吟》

Can even the tender grass repay the blazing love of the spring?

* 孝子不諛其親,忠臣不諂其君,臣子之盛也。——《禮記》

A filial son will not flatter his parent, an loyal subject will not please his monarch. This is the height of filial piety and loyalty.

* 孝子之事親也,居則致其敬,養則致其樂,病則致其憂,喪則致其哀,祭則致其嚴。——《孝經》

When a filial son is with his parents, he shows them due respect, adds joy to their lives through nurturing, shares their sorrow when they are ill, shows deep mourning during funerals, and offers them solemn respect during sacrifices.
