



* I want a rose. * 這朵玫瑰花真的非常重要嗎?

* To me, you are still you, and you are still my very best friend. * 對我來說,你還是你,你還是我最好的朋友。

* You know, you're famous! * 你知道嗎?你出名了!

* You must be a pretty important person, to have your own planet. * 你是個很重要的人物,擁有自己的星球。

* I'm a stranger here. * 我感到好陌生呀。

* I've traveled a lot, and I've been to a lot of strange places, but there's no place like home. * 我已經走過了很多地方,見過形形色色的人,但是沒有比家更美的地方了。

* Everyone has their own circle of friends, and some are big and some are small, but it doesn't matter, we all get along well. *每個人都有自己的朋友圈子,有的人圈子大,有的人圈子小,但這無關緊要,我們都相處得很融洽。

* That's a long journey! * 這真是個很長的旅程呢!

* She meant everything to me. * 她對我而言很重要。

* And then, I thought: Now, here is someone who knows what love is! * 然後我就想:看得出,他很明白愛!

* For me, everything is either開花或者凋謝. * 我只接受我認為很重要的事物。

* And that is why it is beautiful. * 所以它很美。

* And it makes me sad to think that maybe one day you won't be here anymore... * 讓我覺得難過的是,總有一天你可能會離開我...

* Because I love flowers. * 因為我喜歡花。
