



1. 不要因為事情的困難或複雜而放棄,要相信堅持就是勝利。

Don't give up because of the difficulty or complexity of the matter, believe that perseverance is victory.

2. 只有敢於嘗試,我們才能有更多的機會成功。

Only by daring to try, can we have more opportunities to succeed.

3. 挫折和困難只是暫時的,只要我們堅定信念,就一定能夠克服它們。

Setbacks and difficulties are only temporary, as long as we have a firm belief, we can overcome them.

4. 夢想是人生的動力,只有堅持夢想,才能實現夢想。

Dream is the driving force of life, only persist in dream, can achieve the dream.

5. 知識是成長的階梯,只有不斷學習,才能不斷進步。

Knowledge is the ladder of growth, only by learning constantly, can we make progress constantly.

6. 友誼是人生中最寶貴的財富,我們應該珍惜每一個朋友,與他們共同成長。

Friendship is the most precious wealth in life, we should cherish every friend and grow together with them.

7. 只有不斷努力,才能達到自己的目標,實現自己的夢想。

Only by continuously working hard, can we achieve our goals and realize our dreams.

8. 人生就像一場馬拉松,只有堅持不懈,才能到達終點。

Life is like a marathon, only by persisting steadfastly, can we reach the finish line.
