



I like to listen to classical music to relax after a long day at work. 在一天漫長的工作後,我喜歡聽古典音樂來放鬆自己。

The best way to relax is to take a hot bath and read a good book. 放鬆的最好方式就是洗個熱水澡然後讀一本好書。

The doctor advised him to relax and not to worry about his job so much. 醫生建議他放鬆,不要如此擔心他的工作。

Yoga is a great way to relax and improve flexibility. 瑜伽是一個很好的放鬆和提高身體柔韌性的方式。

It's important to learn to relax and not let stress control your life. 學會放鬆,不讓壓力控制你的生活是很重要的。

After the exam, the students needed some time to relax and recharge their batteries. 考試後,學生們需要一些時間來放鬆和恢復精力。

Let's go for a walk in the park to relax our minds. 讓我們去公園散步,放鬆一下心情吧。

He found it hard to relax because he was always thinking about work. 他發現很難放鬆,因為他總是在考慮工作。

She tried to relax by doing some deep breathing exercises. 她試著通過做一些深呼吸練習來放鬆自己。

The massage helped her to relax her tense muscles. 按摩幫助她放鬆了緊張的肌肉。