



「He spoke with authority on the topic.」(他就這個課題發表權威意見。)

「I have discussed this topic in some detail.」(我已相當詳細地討論過這個話題。)

「He returns to this topic later in the report.」(他在報告中後來又提到這個話題。)

「If she were alive today, she would not be able to air her views on her favorite topic of conversation: domestic servants.」(如果她活到今天,她將不能就她熱衷的話題——「傭人」發表意見了。)

「Weather a large family is a good thing or not is a very popular topic, which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farmers as well.」(家庭人口多好還是家庭人口少好是一個非常通俗的主題,不僅是城裡人,而且農民都經常討論這個問題。)

「The topic centers on the crisis in these two countries.」(話題以那兩個國家的危機為中心。)

「Let's put that topic on ice for the moment.」(讓我們把這個問題暫且擱一擱。)

「The English weather is very changeable and has always been a popular topic of conversation.」(英國的天氣變化無常,向來是日常話題。)

「The topic figured largely in the conversation.」(這個話題在交談中占據突出的位置。)