



Tea is an important cultural tradition in China, and "three kicks" is a tea ceremony ritual that has been passed down through generations. This ceremony originated from the tea ceremony of the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and has been widely practiced in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). It is believed that this ritual can enhance the enjoyment of tea and create a harmonious atmosphere.

During the three kicks of tea ceremony, the host usually offers guests a cup of tea and invites them to sit down. Then, they will perform three kicks on the ground to show their respect for the tea and the host. The first kick is to show respect for the tea, the second kick is to show respect for the host, and the third kick is to show respect for the tea ceremony itself. After finishing the ceremony, guests will usually express their gratitude to the host and express their respect for the tea ceremony.

The story behind this ritual is that it originated from a legend about a wise minister named Li Qingzhao. He was invited to a tea party hosted by a minister named Wang. During the party, Li Qingzhao accidentally knocked over his cup of tea, which caused a big mess. However, he quickly picked up his cup and performed three kicks on the ground to apologize to Wang and show his respect for the tea ceremony. Wang was deeply moved by Li Qingzhao's gesture and decided to adopt this ritual in his own tea parties. From then on, this ritual became popular among high-ranking officials and gradually spread throughout society.

In conclusion, the "three kicks" tea ceremony ritual is an important cultural tradition that emphasizes respect and harmony. It originated from a legend about a wise minister named Li Qingzhao and has been widely practiced in Chinese culture for many generations.