



1. 人生就像一場夢,夢醒了就什麼都沒有了。

Life is like a dream, when you wake up, everything is gone.

2. 無論你身在何方,我的心總是隨你漂泊。

No matter where you are, my heart is always wandering with you.

3. 人生就像一場旅行,沿途的風景讓我們留連忘返。

Life is like a journey, the scenery along the way keeps us returning again and again.

4. 人生就像一場電影,我們都是自己的主角。

Life is like a movie, we are all our own protagonists.

5. 人生就像一首詩,每一句都充滿了情感和意義。

Life is like a poem, each word is full of emotion and meaning.

6. 無論你遇到多大的困難,都要勇於面對,因為只有自己才能救自己。

No matter how big the difficulties you encounter are, you must be brave to face them, because only you can save yourself.

7. 時間是一種無形的力量,它能讓我們看清楚自己的本質。

Time is an invisible force that can make us see our true nature.