


故事標題:The Magic Tree

Once upon a time, there was a magical tree in a forest. This tree had the power to grant wishes to those who came to it with an honest heart.

One day, a lost little rabbit came upon the tree. He was tired and thirsty, and his small legs couldn't carry him much further. As he sat beneath the tree, he looked up at its branches and thought about all the wonderful things he would like to have.

After a while, he heard a voice in his head say, "If you wish to have what you desire, you must be honest with the tree." So, the little rabbit came up to the tree and asked for its help.

The tree smiled and said, "I will grant your wish if you bring me back an acorn tomorrow." The little rabbit agreed and went home, filled with hope and anticipation.

The next day, he returned with an acorn in his mouth and presented it to the tree. The tree smiled again and said, "You have been honest with me, and I will grant your wish." With that, a bright light emanated from the tree and a beautiful bow and arrow appeared in the little rabbit's hands.

He ran back home, laughing with joy, and never had to be afraid of anything again. The story of the Magic Tree taught everyone in the forest that they could obtain anything they desired if they were honest with themselves and the tree.
