



* 人生不設限,宇宙無邊涯。

* Life is endless, the universe is infinite.

* 勇往直前,無畏無懼。

* Courage to move forward, fearless of fear.

* 無論前路如何,我們都要勇往直前。

* No matter what the road ahead, we must forge ahead.

* 人生就是應對挑戰,不畏挫折。

* Life is about facing challenges and not fearing setbacks.

* 無論現在如何,只要不停止前進,明天總會更好。

* No matter how it is now, as long as we do not stop moving forward, tomorrow will always be better.

* 只要你願意,你就可以。

* As long as you are willing, you can do it.

* 無論多難,我們都要勇往直前。

* No matter how difficult it is, we must forge ahead.

* 沒有過不去的坎,只有不願意過的人。

* There are no insurmountable obstacles, only people who are unwilling to cross them.

* 相信自己,一切皆有可能。

* Believe in yourself, everything is possible.
