



1. I miss you so much, but I have to forget you. 我很想你,但是我必須忘記你。

2. Time heals all wounds. 時間會癒合所有傷痛。

3. I am lost without you. 沒有你,我迷失了方向。

4. My heart aches with every passing moment. 我的心隨著每一刻的過去而疼痛。

5. Memories haunt me day and night. 回憶日夜縈繞在我心頭。

6. The memories of you still burn brightly, but I must move on. 你留給我的回憶依然明亮,但是我必須繼續前行。

7. My heart is torn in two, missing you. 我的心被思念撕裂,痛不欲生。

8. The pain of loss lingers on, but I must carry on. 失落之痛揮之不去,但是我必須繼續前行。

9. The memories of our time together haunt me still. 我們共度的時光依然縈繞在我的心頭。

10. I wish I could hold you again, but time cannot be stopped. 我希望我能再次擁抱你,但是時間不能停止。