



1. "A friend in need is a friend indeed."(患難見真交)

2. "Friendship is like a plant that requires constant care and nurturing."(友情如植物,需要持續的照顧和培養)

3. "A true friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."(真正的朋友是在世界其他人退縮時走進來的人)

4. "Friendship is like a plant that grows and flourishes when given proper care."(友情就像植物,在給予適當的照顧時會生長和繁榮)

5. "Friendship is not about how much you have in common, but about how you make each other feel."(友情不在於你們有多么相似,而在於你們如何讓彼此感到被關心)

6. "True friendship is like a candle, it lights up the world, even when it burns itself out."(真正的友情就像蠟燭,它照亮了世界,即使在燃燒自己的時候)

7. "A friend in the dark is better than a penny in the pocket."(黑暗中的朋友勝過口袋裡的銅板)

8. "Without friends, life would be a very lonely place."(沒有朋友,生活會變得非常孤獨)
