



* When love is not immediate, it's not true. 沒有愛情的婚姻是不現實的。

* May your love be as faithful and everlasting as the mountains, rivers and stars. 願你們的愛情像山一樣堅定不移,像江河一樣源遠流長,像星星一樣永恆閃爍。

* For the rest of our lives, I will cherish you and love you every day. This is my promise to you: a lifetime of companionship, support, and happiness. 今後餘生,我會珍惜你,愛護你,陪伴你,為你撐起一片快樂的天空。

* Love is not only about two people, but also about understanding, respecting, and learning from each other. 愛情不僅僅是兩個人的事情,更是關於相互理解、尊重和學習的過程。

* A good marriage is not a once-a-year gift, but a daily treat. 良好的婚姻不是一年只送一次禮物,而是每天的享受。

* In the face of difficulties, we must hold tightly to each other's hands and support each other. 在面對困難時,我們必須緊緊握住彼此的手,互相支持。
