



1. A family is not made up of perfect people, but is perfect because of the imperfections.

2. Family is not about how you were born, but about how you were brought up.

3. Family is not about how much you have, but about how much you share.

4. Family is not about what you do, but about who you do it with.

5. A family is a safe place where everyone knows they are loved and accepted just as they are.

6. Family is not perfect, but it’s the closest thing to it.

7. A family is a group of people who have been brought together by love and need each other.

8. Family is where we share our joys and sorrows, and learn to laugh and cry together.

9. Family is forever, no matter what happens, they will always be there for you.

10. Family is the most important thing in the world, and we should cherish it always.
