




1. "正因為你在你的玫瑰身上花費了時間,這才使她變得如此名貴。"

2. "使沙漠變得這樣美麗的,是它在什麼地方隱藏著一眼井。"

3. "如果你馴養了我,那我的生命就會充滿陽光,你的腳步聲會變得跟其他人不一樣。"

4. "人只有用心去看,才能看到真實的東西。最重要的東西,用眼睛是看不見的。"

5. "人總是喜歡在人群中生活。"

6. "星星是很美的,因為有一朵人們看不到的花。"

7. "沙漠之所以美麗,是因為沙漠的某個角落隱藏著一口井。"

8. "世界是我的書。""我在這本天上之書里讀到的太多,我學會了喜歡書本以外的東西。""把一盞水燈留給你。你在哪裡都能找到它,點亮它就會使我想你。"


1. "It is what you make of your rose that makes it so valuable."

2. "What makes the desert beautiful is a hint of water somewhere."

3. "If you tame me, we will need to find a way to share the world together."

4. "You can't see what's really there with your eyes. Only with your heart."

5. "People need to be with other people."

6. "Stars are beautiful because of a flower that you can't see."

7. "The beauty of the desert is a well that someone somewhere hid from view."

8. "The world is my book. The sky is my library, and I have read too much in it to only read about it in books."