



* 愛是包容而不是放縱,愛是關懷而不是寵愛,愛是相互交融而不是單相思,愛是百味而不全是甜蜜。 Love is about being inclusive rather than indulging, about caring rather than pampering, about mutual integration rather than unrequited love, and about experiencing all flavors without just being sweet.

* 愛情是一點動心,是一種關心,是心靈的默契。 Love is a touch of heart, a care for the heart, and a tacit understanding between hearts.

* 愛情就像一隻蝴蝶,它喜歡飛到哪裡,就會停在那裡。 Love is like a butterfly. It just wants to settle where it likes.

* 愛是一朵生長在絕壁處的花,要想親眼見到它綻放的美麗,就需要鍥而不捨地努力向上爬壁。 Love is like a flower growing on a cliff. To see its beauty in bloom, one needs to climb up the cliff persistently.

* 愛是對上蒼的感恩,感謝他給了你尋找真愛的機會,不要認為你遇到了一個可以相信的人就以為自己是幸福的。 Love is gratitude to God for giving you the opportunity to find true love. Do not think that you are happy just because you have found a person who can be trusted.

* 愛不是簡單的喜歡,而是“一千個女人心裡有一千個愛情面孔”,究竟你是他心中最亮的星星,還是意外滑過天際的流星。 Love is more than simple liking, it is the "one thousand love faces in a thousand hearts of women". Ultimately, whether you are the brightest star in his heart or a meteor that accidentally skips across the sky.
