



1. 愛情是婚姻的基石,只有建立在愛情上的婚姻才會幸福。

英文:Love is the cornerstone of a good marriage, and only a marriage that is built on love will be happy.

2. 婚姻需要雙方的理解和包容,沒有愛情的婚姻注定是痛苦的。

英文:Marriage requires mutual understanding and tolerance, and a marriage without love is doomed to be painful.

3. 好的婚姻讓兩個人都變得更美好,而壞的婚姻則可能讓兩個人都變得糟糕。

英文:A good marriage makes both people better, while a bad marriage can make both people worse.

4. 婚姻不是為了改變對方,而是為了和對方一起成長。

英文:Marriage is not about changing each other, but about growing together.

5. 愛情是浪漫的,而婚姻則是現實的,我們需要學會平衡兩者。

英文:Love is romantic, while marriage is practical. We need to learn to balance the two.


1. 婚姻就像一本書,第一章是詩歌,每一章都會有一些小插曲,但最後一章是平淡的散文。

英文:Marriage is like a book, the first chapter is poetry, each chapter has some little anecdotes, but the last chapter is plain prose.

2. 婚姻就像一座圍城,城外的人想進去,城裡的人想出來。

英文:Marriage is like a castle, people outside want to get in, while those inside want to get out.

3. 結婚就像是買了一輛二手車,買的時候挺心疼的,但是開起來還挺順手。

英文:Getting married is like buying a used car, it may have some dents and scratches when you buy it, but it still runs pretty well once you get behind the wheel.

4. 婚姻就像旅行,需要有人陪你一起看風景,也要有人願意陪你一起看路邊的風景。

英文: Marriage is like traveling, you need someone to share the scenery with you, but you also need someone who is willing to take a detour with you.