



* 感謝命運,花開花落,一切都是不可言語的緣分,愛過這一遭,彼此無愧。 Thank fate, flowers bloom and fall. It's all the unspoken fate of a couple. Love this ride and leave nothing behind.

* 我將永遠感謝上帝,因為他通過各種方式給予我支持和幫助。 I will always be grateful to God because He supports and helps me in various ways.

* 感恩是一種處世哲學,是生活中的大智慧。 Giving thanks is a way of life and a great wisdom in life.

* 感恩是靈魂的解毒劑。 It is a detoxifier of the soul.

* 我要感謝生命的所有贈予,無論好壞,我都珍視。 I am grateful for all the gifts of life, good or bad, and I value them all.

* 感謝有你,因為有你,我不再感覺孤單。 Thank you for being here, because without you, I would feel lonely.

* 感謝那些傷害你的人,因為他們教會了你如何堅強。 Thank you for those who hurt you, because they taught you how to be strong.

* 感恩的心,感謝有你,伴我一生,讓我有勇氣做我自己。 With grateful heart, thank you for accompanying me through my life and giving me the courage to be myself.

* 感恩是一種積極的生活態度,它能使我們擁有健康的心態和美好的生活。 Giving thanks is a positive way of life that can make us have a healthy attitude and a beautiful life.