



1. "It's not the distance that hurts, it's the ringing in my ears."(不是距離傷感,而是我耳朵里嗡嗡響。)

2. "If you don't sleep with me tonight, you'll be sorry."(如果你今晚不睡我,你會後悔的。)

3. "I'm like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."(我就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。)

4. "I don't care if I ever get out of this jail. I've already been in jail."(我不在乎我是否能從這個監獄裡出來,我已經蹲過監獄了。)

5. "I'm like a dog with a bone. The more I try to pull away, the more I get stuck."(我就像一條狗咬了骨頭一樣,我越想擺脫它,我就越被卡住。)

6. "I don't know why I said that. It came out of nowhere."(我不知道我為什麼會這么說,它突然間就冒出來了。)

7. "I have a friend who thinks he's God's gift to women. He doesn't realize he's God's screwup."(我有一個朋友認為自己是上帝賜給女人的禮物,他沒意識到自己其實是上帝的失誤。)
