



"Keep your face to the sunshine and you won't see the dim light!" 保持面向陽光,你就不會看到陰暗的一面。

"Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." 請保持善良,因為每個人都在艱難地戰鬥。

"Life is a process, it can not start over, it does not need to start over." 生命是一個過程,它不能從頭再來,它也不需要從頭再來。

"For you, the city is full of flowers, and 3000 lights for you." 為你花開滿城,為你燈明三千。

"In the dull and boring world, there is also occasional luck." 在這枯燥無味的世界裡,也偶爾會有好運降臨。

"A good nights sleep is the way to restart your life." 好好睡一覺就是人生的重啟方式。

"Hope to survive everything, the stars are bright." 希望熬過一切,星光璀璨。

"You will have flowers and the moon." 你也會有鮮花和月亮。

"Love yourself from the bottom of your heart and accept all of yourself." 從心裡愛自己,接受全部的自己。

"In the days to come, we should also continue to be close to warmth, be loyal to ourselves and love life." 未來的日子也要繼續與溫暖為鄰,忠於自己,熱愛生活。
