



1. "I love you more than words can say, and yet those words are all I have to give." 我愛你無法用言語表達,然而,這些言語就是我能夠給你的所有。

2. "The world is full of wonderful people, all looking for someone to share their wonderfulness with." 世界充滿了奇妙的人,他們都在尋找與別人分享奇妙的人。

3. "You light up my world like no other person does, and I am lost in the glow of your smile." 你照亮我的世界,像沒有其他人能做到的那樣,我在你微笑的溫暖光芒中迷失了自我。

4. "Life is too short to be without you, and I want to spend it making sure you're never without me." 生命太短,不能沒有你,我想花時間確保你永遠不會沒有我。

5. "You complete me, and I hope I complete you forever." 你使我完整,我希望我永遠能讓你完整。

6. "I may not have your heart, but I will always have yours, and that is enough for me." 或許我沒有得到你的心,但我會一直擁有你的心,對我來說這就足夠了。
