



Cheater - 指欺騙他人的人,尤其是指對伴侶不忠的人。例如:"She doesn't believe a cheater. She said — Once a cheater, always a cheater."

Two-timer - 指同時與多人交往的人,即腳踏兩條船的人。例如:"She ended the relationship when she found out her boyfriend was two-timing her."

Player / Playboy - 指花花公子或經常玩弄女性感情的男人。例如:"He is such a player, can't you tell? How many times has he hurt you?"

Love Rat - 指愛情騙子或偷腥者,這個詞男女通用。例如:"A: Jerry』s totally two-timing Shannon with Mary! B: He is such a love rat!"

Asshole - 雖然這個詞通常用來罵人「蠢貨;混蛋」,但在某些情況下也可以用來形容渣男。例如:"You've been dating that girl recently and you're a total cheater."

Son of a bitch - 這個詞可以用來形容渣男,表達憤怒的情緒。例如:"How could you do that to me? You are son of a bitch!"

Scumbag - 美國俚語中用來罵「人渣」。例如:"Get this scumbag out of my house!"

Jerk / Cheater - 這兩個詞也可以用來形容渣男,尤其是那些背叛他人的人。例如:"You've been dating that girl recently and you're a total cheater."
