


故事標題:The Moon Rabbit(玉兔)

Once upon a time, there was a rabbit named Jade Rabbit. He lived on the moon with his master, the Jade Emperor. Jade Rabbit was known for his intelligence, wit, and exceptional skills in music and poetry.

One day, the Jade Emperor decided to test Jade Rabbit's abilities by challenging him to complete a difficult task. The task was to compose a poem about the beauty of the moon in the midst of a dark and gloomy night. Jade Rabbit knew he had to rise to the challenge, so he spent the entire night lost in thought and meditation.

As the sun rose, Jade Rabbit emerged with a masterpiece. His poem not only captured the beauty of the moon but also expressed the hope and resilience of the moonlings in the face of adversity. The Jade Emperor was so impressed with Jade Rabbit's poem that he awarded him the title of "Moon Rabbit," which became his official name.

From that day forward, Jade Rabbit was known throughout the heavens as the Moon Rabbit, a symbol of intelligence, wit, and resilience. He was celebrated for his poetic skills and became a beloved figure among the moonlings.

Now, whenever someone sees a full moon, they think of Jade Rabbit, his wit and wisdom, and his story of overcoming challenges to achieve greatness.