


故事標題:The Haunted Mirror

Once upon a time, there was a rich merchant who lived in a large mansion. He had a beautiful mirror in his sitting room that was a family heirloom, handed down from generation to generation. He liked to show it off to his guests and boast about its magnificence.

One night, the merchant’s son, a young man named Jack, accidentally knocked the mirror and shattered it into a thousand pieces. When the merchant woke up the next morning, he was devastated to find his beloved mirror broken. He was filled with anger and frustration.

After that, strange things began to happen in the mansion. At first, the lights would go out abruptly and come back on of their own accord. Then, things were moved around the house that no one had been in. Objects would be found smashed or missing in the morning. Everyone thought it was ghosts at first, but after trying all sorts of rituals and blessings without success, they began to believe that there was something else going on.

One day, Jack came across an old chest in his father’s study. Inside were various pieces of jewelry and a mysterious crystal orb that his family had been searching for years. They realized that the mirror was connected to this orb somehow, perhaps the reason why they had been haunted.

Jack went back to his room and closed his eyes. He felt a chill go down his spine as he opened the orb. A ghostly figure appeared before him and explained that they had been trapped inside the mirror for years and they would only leave if he restored the mirror to its former glory. Jack reluctantly agreed, hoping that this would end the hauntings once and for all.

Jack had a miraculous dream where he was given the power to heal the mirror, and he woke up with renewed strength. He gathered all the shattered pieces and painstakingly put them back together, restoring the mirror to its former glory.

The next day, the hauntings stopped completely and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Jack kept the crystal orb and used it to protect his family and home from any future troubles. He also donated the mirror to a local museum where it could be enjoyed by many people as a symbol of beauty and courage.

So ends the story of The Haunted Mirror, a cautionary tale about the dangers of hubris and the importance of humility and compassion in our lives.