


約翰·列儂(John Lennon)是一位著名的英國搖滾歌手、詞曲作家和樂隊成員,他的名言有很多,以下是一些著名的:

1. "Imitation is the highest form of flattery." (模仿是最高的奉承形式)

2. "We're more likely to remember where we were when something important happened than who was there." (我們更可能會記住自己在哪裡時發生的重要事件比誰在場。)

3. "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." (當你忙著制定其他計畫時,生活就會發生在你身上。)

4. "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." (天才是一份靈感加上百分之九十九的汗水。)

5. "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." (你可以說我是一個夢想家,但我不是唯一的一個。)

6. "You don't need to be a psychic to understand the human mind." (你不必是個心理學家就能理解人類的思想。)

7. "The secret to happiness is not to get what you want, but to want what you have." (幸福的秘訣不是得到你想要的東西,而是想要你擁有的東西。)
