


故事標題: The Adventures of a Little Stone

Once upon a time, there was a little stone that lived in a quiet valley. He was unlike any other stone there, for he had a dream to see the world outside of his valley.

One day, a strong wind came and lifted him up into the air. He soared high above the valley, feeling the wind whistle through his cracks and beating against his sides. He looked down and saw the vast expanse of green rolling hills and fields below him.

As he flew, he encountered other stones and creatures. Some were happy to see him, while others were indifferent or even hostile. But he persevered, determined to see the world outside his valley.

After a long journey, he landed on a beach and lay there, exhausted but fulfilled. He had seen the world beyond his valley and it was beautiful beyond his imagination. He knew that he had made the right decision to pursue his dream.

From then on, he was known as the little stone who had traveled the world. He taught others that dreams are possible and that we should never give up on our goals.

That was the story of the little stone who traveled the world and found his place in it. May you all find yours!
