


英文寓言故事:“The Donkey and the Pitchfork”

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who owned a donkey. He had to plow his land and prepare it for the upcoming season's crops. However, the donkey didn't know how to plow and he didn't want to ask for help from his human friends. He was stubborn and thought he could do it on his own.

So he decided to use the pitchforks that were hanging around his stable. He thought that the pitchforks would help him plow the land more efficiently. But he didn't realize that he was using the wrong tool for the job.

The pitchforks were too sharp and they dug into the ground too much, causing the soil to break apart and making it difficult for him to plow. The farmer came to see what was going on and he realized that his donkey had chosen the wrong tool. He advised him to use a plow instead, but the donkey refused to listen.

In the end, the farmer had to help him and he used a plow to plow the land. But it took them a long time and they had to work hard to do it. The donkey realized that he had chosen the wrong tool and he regretted his stubbornness.

This story teaches us that we should always follow the advice of those who know better than us and avoid making decisions based on what may seem like a good idea at first, but might not be suitable for the task at hand. We should be humble and learn from our mistakes.