



1. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. (人生就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會吃到什麼。)

2. Don't give up when you're tired, because that's when you'll reach your goal. (當你感到疲憊時不要放棄,因為那就是你離目標最近的時候。)

3. The world will become even more beautiful when you start believing in yourself. (當你開始相信自己時,世界會變得更加美好。)

4. Success is not the result of luck, it's the result of hard work and persistence. (成功不是運氣,而是努力和堅持的結果。)

5. Failure is just a stepping stone to success, it's how you learn from it that matters. (失敗只是通往成功的一個踏腳石,關鍵在於你是如何從失敗中汲取經驗教訓的。)

6. The key to happiness is not finding happiness, but creating it. (幸福的秘訣不是尋找幸福,而是創造幸福。)

7. Don't let the fear of failure hold you back, remember, there's no such thing as a fail-safe plan. (不要讓對失敗的恐懼阻礙你,記住,沒有絕對萬無一失的計畫。)

8. Life is like a journey, enjoy the ride and remember to take the time to smell the roses. (人生就像一場旅行,享受旅程並記住花時間欣賞沿途的風景。)
