


標題: A Day at the Zoo

Once upon a time, a little girl named Lily went to the zoo with her family. It was a sunny day and everyone was in a good mood.

Lily first saw a group of monkeys swinging from tree to tree. She laughed and clapped her hands as they chased each other and played.

Next, she saw a group of elephants. They were playing with their trunks and seemed very happy. Lily loved to watch them and she even got to pet one of the elephants.

Then she saw a group of giraffes. They were so tall and graceful, and she loved how they looked up at her with their big, brown eyes.

After that, she saw some lions and tigers. They were sleeping under their cages, but she could tell they were very fierce animals.

Finally, Lily saw a group of penguins. They were waddling around in their little pool and it was adorable. She laughed as they splashed each other and tried to catch their reflections in the water.

Lily had a wonderful day at the zoo and she loved seeing all the animals. She especially loved the penguins because they were so cute and funny. She hoped she could go back again someday and see even more animals.

That was the end of the story, but Lily’s adventure at the zoo continued for many more days and years to come.