



1. Love is like a butterfly, it comes and goes as it pleases. (愛情就像蝴蝶,它按照自己的意願來臨或離去。)

2. Love is like the sun that warms your face, even when it burns, it never hurts too badly. (愛情就像太陽,它溫暖你的臉龐,即使它灼熱,也不會讓你感到太痛苦。)

3. Love is like a river, it flows where it wishes. (愛情就像一條河,它隨心所欲地流動。)

4. Love me little, love me long. (愛你久一點,只一點點就好。)

5. When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. (當愛向你招手時,追隨他,雖然他的路艱難險峻。)

6. Love never dies a natural death, it's deep within forever. (愛情不會自然消失,它永遠深深地存在。)

7. True love comes when you least expect it. (真愛在你最不經意的時候到來。)

8. Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it does not keep records of wrongs but forgets them as soon as they are forgiven. (愛情是耐心和善良的;它不會嫉妒或自誇;它不會記恨而是很快地忘記它們。)
