



1. Success is not final, failure is not fatal:成功不是終點,失敗也不是致命的。

2. Success is not the key to happiness; happiness is. 成功不是通往幸福的唯一道路,而失敗可能是幸福的一部分。

3. Success is not the measurement of wealth or position; it is the measure of how you live your life. 成功不是衡量財富或地位的尺度,而是你如何度過你的人生。

4. Success is not the result of spontaneity, it comes from self-discipline. 成功不是自發產生的,它來自於自律。

5. Success is not about how much you have but about how you make others feel. 成功不是你擁有多少,而是你如何讓別人感到滿意。

6. Success is not a goal, but a way to get what you want. 成功不是目標,而是實現你願望的方式。

7. Success is not about what you achieve but about how you influence others. 成功不是你取得的成就,而是你如何影響他人。

8. Success is not about being perfect, but about learning and growing from failure. 成功不是完美,而是從失敗中學習和成長。
