

英語名言good thing

以下是一些英語名言中的“good thing”:

1. "Good things come to those who wait."(耐心等待的人會得到好的回報。)

2. "It's a good thing I didn't listen to my friends, they would have only made me feel worse."(還好我沒有聽朋友的,他們只會讓我感覺更糟糕。)

3. "It's a good thing I stuck it out, otherwise I wouldn't have met my best friend."(還好我堅持下來了,否則我就不會遇見我最好的朋友。)

4. "It's a good thing you're honest with me, or I might not trust you anymore."(還好你對我是誠實的,否則我可能不會再信任你了。)
