



1. 愚公移山(Yu Gong Moves the Mountains):A Chinese fable about a foolish old man who decides to move mountains with his perseverance and hard work.

2. 掩耳盜鈴(Plugging One's Ears While Stealing a Bell):A story about a thief who tries to steal a bell by covering his ears, unaware that others can still hear it.

3. 狐假虎威(Fox Borrowing the Power of the Tiger):A story about a fox who deceives a tiger and uses its power to intimidate other animals.

4. 畫蛇添足(Drawing a Snake with Feet):A story about a person who tries to add feet to a snake, but ends up making it look ridiculous.

5. 拔苗助長(Pulling Trees to Help Speed Up Growth):A story about a person who tries to speed up the growth of plants by pulling them up, but ends up causing them to wither.
