



Once upon a time, a little yellow-feathered Aster appeared, known as the "ugly duckling". Growing up in a herd of ducks, it was always teased and ridiculed by its siblings because of its distinct appearance. The others looked so similar and harmonious, with smooth feathers and round heads. But the ugly duckling had a unique scar on its left foot, making it stand out from the rest.

One day, as the sun was setting, the ugly duckling was alone on the lake's edge. Suddenly, a beautiful white swan appeared and exclaimed, "Little ugly duckling, you are not an ugly duckling. You are a special creature that has been hidden in plain sight. Your true form is that of a noble and beautiful swan."

The ugly duckling was stunned and began to doubt its own identity. But as it followed the white swan's instructions, it gradually transformed into a graceful swan. It was then that it realized that it had been misunderstood all along.

From then on, the ugly duckling began to embrace its true self and found its own path in life. It learned to fly and swim with ease, and even found a new family of swans who accepted and loved it for who it truly was.
