



* 滴水之恩,當湧泉相報。Every drop of water owes its existence to the spring. We should return it a thousandfold.

* 勇敢的心:我不能做膽小鬼,保護你。I can't be a coward to protect you.

* 阿甘正傳:生活就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

* 當幸福來敲門:你有選擇的權利。You have a choice.

* 教父:這個世界無論在任何情況下,最重要的都是生存。The most important thing in this world is to survive under any circumstances.

* 肖申克的救贖:Get busy living, not dying.

* 美麗人生:人生就如一場遊戲,只有遵守規則的人才能得到獎勵。Life is like a game of chess - those who play by the rules are the ones who win rewards.

* 辛德勒的名單:在戰爭中,我們都是倖存者。We are all survivors in war.

* 西遊記之大鬧天宮:為了自己的理想去闖一闖吧,哪怕是頭破血流,萬劫不復,至少試過我才不會後悔。 For my ideals, I will venture and try my best, even if it means getting bloodied and going through endless trials and tribulations. At least I won't regret it if I don't try.
