



1. "You must love the universe, otherwise you won't want to make sense of it."(你必須熱愛宇宙,否則你不會想要去理解它。)

2. "You can't improve anything without risking something."(沒有冒險就沒有改進。)

3. "Life would be unimaginable without the universe, but the universe would exist whether or not there was life."(沒有宇宙,生命將無法想像,但無論是否有生命,宇宙都將存在。)

4. "I want to know the end of the story, even if I have to work my way there."(我想知道故事的結局,即使我得一步步走到那裡。)

5. "It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you don't stop."(重要的不是你走得有多慢,而是你是否在走。)

6. "I am still trying to make sense of it all, and I hope you are too."(我仍在努力理解這一切,我希望你也是。)

7. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."(生活就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。)
