



* Youth is like spring fever, hot and uncontrollable. 青春如狂潮,熱切而洶湧。

* Youth is a fire which burns, that one has to put out. 青春是一場熱烈燃燒的火焰,需要有人去撲滅它。

* The best time of life is now, when you are young, full of dreams and empty of fear. 生命中最美好的時光就是現在,年輕的時候,充滿夢想,沒有恐懼。

* The youth is the season of dreams. 青春是築夢的季節。

* The past is gone and can't be changed, so we must cherish the present golden time - the youth. 逝去的過去無法改變,所以我們必須珍視現在這段金色的時光——青春。

* The youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind. 青春不是一段年華,而是一種心境。

* The youth is not about how much time we have left, but how we spend every single second. 青春不是揮霍的時間,而是我們如何去度過每一秒。

* The best way to stay young is to stay optimistic. 保持年輕的最好方式就是保持樂觀。

* Youth is not about how many times you get rejected, but about how many times you bounce back from rejection. 青春不是在於你被拒絕的次數,而在於你從被拒絕中反彈的次數。
