

combine with造句

「combine with」的意思是與……結合。以下是一些例句:

Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water. 兩個氫原子和一個氧原子結合形成一個水分子。

Black fruit flavors combine with herbaceous brambly flavors. 黑加侖和紫羅蘭的芳香混合在一起。

The furniture managed to combine practicality with elegance. 這家具結合了實用與優雅。

We should combine work with rest. 我們應勞逸結合。

The trip will combine business with pleasure. 此次旅行將把出差和娛樂結合起來。

Sleeping pills combine with alcohol to produce a sleepy feeling. 安眠藥和酒精混合在一起會使人產生睡意。