



The deaf man could not hear what you said.(那個聾的人不能聽到你說什麼。)

I can hardly believe that he is deaf;he can understand us so well.(我簡直不相信他是個聾子,我們說話他能懂得這麼好。)

He turned a deaf ear to the rumours.(他對這些謠言置若罔聞。)

He was deaf to my requests for help.(他對我的求助充耳不聞。)

Her advice fell on deaf ears.(她的忠告沒有受到重視。)

She was born deaf.(她天生耳聾。)

He is deaf in one ear.(他有一隻耳朵是聾的。)

The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help.(省議會對所有的經濟救助請求都充耳不聞。)

Being deaf and dumb makes communication very difficult.(又聾又啞很難與人交往。)

The deaf and dumb use finger language to express their ideas.(聾啞人用手勢語表達思想。)