

game of thrones名言


1. 凡人皆有一死。(All men have died before.)

2. 不要做馬前卒,而應做駿馬。(Don't be a foot soldier, be a horse.)

3. 權力沒有好心。(Power has no heart.)

4. 沒有人能逃避選擇,我們所能做的就是接受它。(No man escapes choices, we can do is accept them.)

5. 記住,戰爭,無論何時,都是一件殘酷的事。但至少它可以帶來秩序。(Remember, war, in whatever form, is always cruelty, but at least it brings order.)

6. 不要相信鏡子。(Don't believe the mirror.)

7. 凡人皆須服從。(All men must obey.)

8. 暴政不算什麼,強者自可藐視弱者,只是我們不要侮辱他們,因為他們很快就會成為死者。(Tyranny is not a game, only the strong can look down upon the weak, we should not insult them because they soon become dead men.)
